so what i can tell you is that this pen is great for filling in large areas of black spaces, outlines on larger sized pieces, and writing in "tagging" style lettering which i guess now that i think about it, tagging is really more or less a modern form or calligraphy... huh, i hadn't thought of it like that before now.

i believe i bought this pen at food for less, a discount grocery store near where i live, the price tag was under $2 and for that price this pen in a great deal. however, since i mostly do most of my inking digitally i probably won't use this pen very often, some examples being if i were drawing something for someone and they wanted an original, or if i'm working on a large format piece.
overall, this pen, made by sharpie, lives up to the manufacturers name, basically that it will perform well and that it will wear out probably sooner than later, i'm not hating on sharpie or anything, i'm actually a fan, but i'm also realistic enough to know the score when it comes to this particular brand.
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